[. . . ] Command High Performance Workflow and Intelligent Archiving fsaddclass Options [ -d <defaultcopies> ] Description Total number of stored copies (including the primary) for each file in the policy class. Default: 1 Minimum time (in minutes) that a file must reside unmodified on disk before being considered a candidate for storage on media. Default: 5 Minimum time (in days) that a file must reside unaccessed on disk before being considered a candidate for truncation. Default: 3 List of disk affinities that the files in the policy class will traverse in their lifecycle. [. . . ] Minimum time (in minutes) that a file must reside on disk before being considered a candidate for relocation. Minimum time (in days) that a file must reside unaccessed on disk before being considered a candidate for truncation. -n <newfilename> [ -b <startbyte> <endbyte> ] [ -D y | n ] Specifies whether to remove database information when a file is removed. This is the minimum number of bytes to leave on disk when files are truncated. Specifies active files rather than recoverable files when either reporting or recovering a directory. Optionally, you can have a timestamp of the form YYYY:MM:DD:hh:mm:ss::/ stornext/snfs2/rel1/sub1/file. a. [ -c ] [ -h ] [ -p <temp_path> ] [ -e ] [ -r <restore_path> ] [ -m | -mj [ <file_system> ] ] <filename> Full path and name of the file copy to remove from disk. Expedites storage of data to media, instead of allowing data migration by StorNext software. Specifies a temporary storage directory for restored files. You can specify: · -m - Restore file system metadata information for all file systems or for the selected optional file system. · -mj - Restore file system journal information for all file systems or for the selected optional file system. fsstore <filename> Name of file on disk to store to media. Files can be: · i - Truncated immediately · p - Truncated at policy application time fsrecover [ -p ] fsstore [ -t <mediatype> ] [ -c <copies> ] [ -f i | p ] [ -t <starttime> [<endtime> ] ] <dirname> [ -v <drivepool > ] Specifies the Media Manager drive pool group used to store the file. Specifies the maximum time (in hours) allowed for the command to finish. · -dj - Restore only the journal files and apply them to the existing database on the system. Displays usage. [ -z <minsize> ] [ -u <runtime> ] [ -r ] [ -a ] fsversion -h [ -a ] [ -v ] Displays usage. [<RM_time>::] <filepathname> Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Media Management Command fschmedstate Command Description Modifies the state of media or a policy class to which the media belongs. fsmedcopy Options <mediaID> Description The media identifier. Maximum allowable time (in hours) for the fsmedcopy command to finish. Generates a report on the specified media. Command fsmedlist Options [ -f ] [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -a ] [ -n ] [ -u ] Description Lists formatted blank media. Lists all media marked as unavailable but still located in StorNext system. Marks the media as logically blank and invalidates all copies stored to the media. WARNING: This command removes all knowledge of the files on the media from StorNext. Truncated files will lost. Options [ -a ] <mediaID> The media identifier. For blank media, changes the name of the associated policy class (-c class) or changes the policy class to system blank pool (-b). [. . . ] Default: 3 Time interval (in seconds) that the software waits for status before returning a timeout. Default: 300018 vsreclassify Reports and Queries Command fsfileinfo -c <driveID> -d -i <driveID> -r <driveID> [ -I ] Options Description Reports the current location of files, whether on disk, media or not in the system. [ -R <retries> ] <filename> [ -T <timeout> ] Full path and filename of the file. View subsystem resource requests. [ -c ] [ -V <number> ] [ -h ] [ -H <hostname> ] [ -P <priority> ] fsqueue [ -r <requestID> ] [ -m ] Identifier of the request to be reported. Reports media movement for a request identifier or all media in the queue. [. . . ]